Friday 29 June 2012

Low blood pressure during pregnancy suffer from morning sickness underlying condition

Low blood pressure during pregnancy women may experience condition be treated

If you suffer from low blood pressure during pregnancy what are the options available? How should this condition be treated for the best possible results for both you and your unborn baby? Some women may experience this problem without any underlying condition during pregnancy, but if you experience any of the symptoms of hypotension your physician will want to rule out any possible causes besides pregnancy. Sometimes heart conditions or endocrine problems can cause this condition, and if that is the case your doctor will help you manage the medical problem to increase your readings and get them to normal. Some common symptoms of hypotension include dizziness, a light headed sensation, fainting, blurred vision, nausea, fatigue, and others. If there is no other medical problems and your low blood pressure is simply caused by the pregnancy there are some things you can do to help raise your numbers up. The biggest cause of this problem is a simple one, dehydration. This can be a problem during pregnancy, especially if you suffer from morning sickness and have nausea or vomit frequently. You can address this cause and correct the fluid loss by drinking plenty of water and other fluids each day. If this is not possible then your physician may decide to give you fluids intravenously. If dehydration was the cause your readings will go back to normal. Regular exercise can be important for a normal blood pressure reading. This does not mean you should run a marathon at nine months along, but you can continue to exercise throughout your pregnancy unless your doctor tells you otherwise. Check with your doctor to find out which exercises you can do, and how far along you can continue them during your pregnancy. Unless there is a medical reason for bed rest walking can be done until the day you give birth. Am added benefit is that you will get back to your pre-pregnancy size faster, and will usually have an easier birth if you keep your muscles toned and fit while pregnant. During the last few months you may not feel like moving much because of your size, but as long as you follow your doctors guidelines exercise can be beneficial. In some cases salt can be added to your diet to help raise your low blood pressure. This must be done carefully though, because too much salt can raise it to dangerously high levels. Your doctor will tell you just how much salt you should add. You can also prevent dizziness by sitting up or standing up slowly, instead of doing it quickly. If you start to feel light headed then sit down immediately, and place your head between your legs until the feeling passes. This will keep you from falling down or getting hurt. If these steps do not work then your physician may need to order a prescription medication to control this condition. Each of these medicines can carry certain risks and benefits, and your doctor will discuss these with you when giving you the medication.

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